Jovencio de la Paz: the line
Jovencio de la Paz joined us and immediately had us on our feet, making active marks in unsual ways. We worked with a partner and drew the "feeling" of the lines our partner drew on us. We communicated in pictures, letters and code throughout all the activities. The main idea was that line was not only a mark, but how lines can also be translated into a phycial feeling, out of thin air & as a way to demark time.

giving instructions

demonstration with Jason

translating the physical feeling of a drawing to another drawing

translating the physical feeling of a drawing to another drawing

translating the physical feeling of a drawing to another drawing

our hoods got in the way

translating the physical feeling of a drawing to another drawing

a drawing telephone game

translating the physical feeling of a drawing to another drawing

I drew the clock and he drew the feeling of a clock.
Jason created a response to our line making challenges that asked students to use needle and tread to sew a new line and/or shape onto an existing image or text. This activity used materials that Jovencio himself uses in his work as a fiber artist, while still taking notice of line and mark making. It helped us to slow down and truly think about what is essential when drawing something. Here's some of our results (threading the needles was equally challenging!)

Laura Esparza

Eduardo Araiza

Jovanni Garcia

Jesus Jimenez

Shassel Correa

Ricky Rodriguez

Carlos Delgadillo

Angelina Alvarez

Rodrigo Gomez

Cassandra Villegas

Carlos Martinez

Rebecca Saenz